Instead of putting your gifts under your Christmas tree, why not use the gifts as decoration?
Here are the steps for how do decorate a Christmas tree using wrapped gifts.
You can even use wrapped empty boxes instead of gifts if you prefer.
photo courtesy of Edinburgh Blog
You must start with a sturdy tree. It should be secure and not wobble.
The branches should be strong.
You can use a real tree or an artificial tree.
Color Scheme
Decide on a color scheme for your gift Christmas tree.
Keep in mind the colors of the room the tree is in so it doesn't clash.
You can use one color, two colors, or many different coordinating colors.
All nicely decorated Christmas trees need Christmas lights.
The more lights, the better. Use at least 1 strand of 100 lights for every foot tall your tree is.
If your tree is 10 foot tall, use at least 10 strands of lights.
You can even add lights to your Christmas tree if it is pre-lit for a more dramatic effect.
Wrap your gifts, or empty boxes, in coordinating gift wrap.
You can use exactly the same gift wrap or gift wrap with different patterns in a coordinating color scheme.
The boxes can be all the same dimensions or all different sizes.
Consider using a metallic gift wrap for extra drama.
Don't forget to put a bow or other decoration on the outside of the gifts.
Fill in the space between the gifts with other decorations.
You can use simple sphere ornaments, floral picks, pine cones, or whatever you desire.
On Top and Below
For added drama, add something special to the top of your tree and below your tree.
You can add a large bow with ribbons cascading down your Christmas tree or a simple star.
For the bottom of your tree, a tree skirt is traditional.
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