Recliners That Don't Look Like Recliners

Many people love the comfort of lounging in a recliner, however recliners are not known for being very attractive.

Luckily, recliner manufacturers have made great improvements to the style of their chairs over the past few years.

Here are a few stylish recliner options that don't look like an old fashioned ugly recliner.

 good looking recliner

Timeless Furniture That Should Not Go Out of Style

Many people want to purchase furniture that is timeless and won't go out of style.

Unfortunately, most people do not understand what furniture is timeless.

The simplest way to determine if something is timeless is to look at high quality furniture made decades or centuries ago (note that I wrote high quality, not necessarily high priced).

If it was made decades ago and has been in style from then until now, then it is timeless.  If it was in style back then, but went out of style, and is now in style again, then it is not timeless.

When looking for timeless furniture, one way to obtain it is by purchasing antiques.

There are also new timeless furniture pieces available for sale.

Here are a few examples of timeless furniture that should not go out of style, as well as furniture that many people think is timeless but isn't.

 timeless furniturephoto courtesy of Mr.TlnDC

A Better Alternative to a 4 Inch Tall Backsplash

Many homes have a standard 4 inch tall backsplash in their kitchen and bathrooms.

Even if you are lucky enough to have a full height backsplash in your kitchen, your builder may have put a standard 4 inch tall backsplash in your bathroom.

Why is this backsplash so common?

It is very common because it uses so little material that makes it cheap, and it covers the edge between the countertop and wall to disguise a wall that is not straight and/or countertop that was not cut perfectly.

There is technically nothing wrong with a 4 inch backsplash, however it tends to be common place in mass produced mid to lower end homes, thus making homes that have them look less high end.

Fortunately, there are many other backsplash options that cost the same or only a little bit more, but give your kitchen or bathroom a custom and high end look.

A better alternative to a 4 inch backsplash

Designer Vanity Lights Under $100

Many people have very ugly or plain light fixtures above their bathroom mirrors.

These light fixtures were most likely selected by the home builder because of their low cost.

Upgrading these light fixtures is an inexpensive way to personalize your home, make it look more stylish, and increase its value.

Upgrading ugly or basic vanity light fixtures in your bathrooms with budget friendly yet stylish light fixtures can increase the value of your home by 5 to 10 times the cost of the light fixture.

Whether you prefer a traditional, modern, or contemporary aesthetic, there are many attractive yet budget friendly vanity light fixtures to choose from.

Designer vanity lights under 100

A Better Alternative to Recessed Can Lights

Many people have recessed can lights, sometimes called pot lights, in their home. 

They have been around since the 1950's and are loved for their ability to provide light while staying somewhat inconspicuous.

There are some drawbacks though - they require room in the ceiling (which is not always available) and they are notorious for leaking air (which is not good for energy efficiency).

Luckily, there is now a better alternative to recessed can lights.

A better alternative to recessed can lights


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