How to Decorate with Gray and Beige in the Same Room

Many of my clients want to use the color gray in their homes that are currently filled with beige tile flooring, beige carpet, and beige furniture that they want to keep. 

Many are concerned that the beige and gray colors will not complement each other, and they are right to be concerned. 

The main reason why beige and gray do not often work well together is because beige is typically a warm color and gray is typically a cool color. 

With proper planning, we can decorate each room in a way that makes the beige and gray look intentional.

The one trick to making the colors beige and gray play nicely together is to decorate with at least one large item that is both beige and gray colors. 
How to decorate with gray and beige in the same roomphoto courtesy of Brent Eckley
In the bedroom photo above, the Euro pillows on the bed are both beige and gray that ties the two colors together and makes the colors look intentional. 
In the living room photo above, the artwork has both beige and gray that allows the different color pillows on the sofa to work well together. 
In the bathroom photo above, the wallpaper contains both beige and gray that tie the beige wall color and the gray vanity color together.
In the photo on the right, the stone and rug both have beige and gray colors.
(Disclaimer - This website contains affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission for purchases made through the links that offsets the fees associated with publishing this blog, however you will not pay any additional cost)
Here are a few items you can use in your home that contain both beige and gray.
Click on the photos for more information about each item (affiliate links).
gray beige art landscapeThe artwork above incorporates beige on the ground and gray in the sky.
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This traditional style wool rug has 3 different shades of gray and 2 different shades of beige. 
All of the different neutral colors will allow you to use both gray and beige in the same room. 
This rug can be used in a living room, dining room, home office, or bedroom.
beige gray throw pillow cover
This traditional style pillow also contains several shades of beige and some gray. 
 It would go nicely on a bed, sofa, or chair.


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For a decorative storage solution, this basket incorporates the beige and gray color scheme while keeping your home neat and tidy. 
It can be used in a kitchen, bathroom, or closet.
gray beige shower curtain ruffles
 This shower curtain  has a gray ruffled skirt and beige buttons.
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This towel contains the colors beige and gray as well as some fun gold and pink.
If you would like for Fletcher Design Consultants to help you create a cohesive interior design using the colors beige and gray, please contact us.  We would love to help!


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