Did you know that there are several color schemes types that have names?
Using a named color scheme in your home will help you create a cohesively decorated space.
When selecting a color scheme for a room in your home, consider using one of the following color schemes:
photo courtesy of unleasingmephotography flickr.com/photos/unleashingmephotography/2316833560/Achromatic
An achromatic color scheme uses only neutral colors.
You might choose to decorate your home exclusively with neutral colors, such as white, black, gray, and sometimes beige or brown.
You might appreciate the following articles pertaining to decorating with neutral colors:
How to Decorate with Neutral Colors and Not Look Boring
Decorating Ideas for People Who Are Afraid of Color
Interior Designer Tips & Tricks for How to Add Color to a Neutral Room
Monochromatic color schemes use one color. Colors are technically called hues.
The hues used in a monochromatic scheme may be different values (lighter or darker versions of the same hue). A tint of a color is a lighter variation of the same hue (hue + white) and a shade is a darker color of the same hue (hue + black).
Monochromatic color schemes might also use hues that have a lighter or darker chroma (which is how saturated a hue looks). A tone is a less saturated hue (hue + gray). For example, hot pink has a higher chroma than dusty pink.
Monochromatic color schemes may also include neutral colors.
Analogous color schemes use 1 primary color and its 2 tertiary colors.
The primary colors are red, blue, or yellow.
A secondary color is what is created when mixing 2 primary colors together in equal amounts.
Secondary colors include green, purple, and orange.
A tertiary color mixes a primary color and a secondary color (excluding the secondary color opposite from it on the color wheel).
An example of decorating with this color scheme would be using yellow, yellow orange, and yellow green.
Triad color schemes use 3 colors that are equally spaced apart on the color wheel.
You could decorate your home in a triad color scheme by using all of the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) or all of the secondary colors (purple, orange, and green).
Tetrad (Also Called Square)
Tetrad color schemes use 4 colors that are equally spaced apart on the color wheel.
An example of this would be red, yellow orange, blue purple, and green.
Complementary color schemes use 2 colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.
Most people are very familiar with decorating for Christmas using the complementary colors of red and green.
Complementary color schemes also include blue with orange and yellow with purple.
Double Complementary
Double complementary color schemes use analogous colors (see above) that are opposite each other on the color wheel.
This would include yellow, yellow orange, and yellow green as well as purple, red purple, and blue purple.
Split Complementary
Split complementary color schemes use a color and the colors on either side of its complement.
You could use the colors of blue, red orange, and yellow orange when decorating in a split complementary color scheme.