Decorating a guest room in your home should be no different than decorating any other room in your house, the only difference is making sure your guests have everything they may need to be comfortable.
Here are a few ways to add hospitality to your guest room.
photo courtesy of Catherine E Bailey Space
Closet space is at a premium in most people's homes, so the guest room closet often gets filled with the homeowner's stuff.
When you have a guest, make sure they have at least 24" of hanging space in the closet (or more if they are staying a while) and empty hangers for them to hang their clothes.
They should also have room to put their suitcase on the closet floor.
Drawer Space
The dresser in your guest room is probably filled with miscellaneous stuff, so clean out one or two top drawers to allow your guests to put a few of their things.
On the Nightstand
Suggested items to put on the guest room nightstand include: bottled water with a coaster and maybe glasses, a bedside table lamp, hand lotion, a decorative tray for guest to put small items (like jewelry and reading glasses), snacks such as an apple and bag of peanuts, facial tissues, and reading material (magazines and/or books).
Make sure to leave a little room on the nightstand for them to put their own things.
Night Light
Guests are typically unfamiliar with your home, so having a night light is essential.
You may choose to have the night light in the bathroom they will be using or in the guest room.
Dark Curtains
If your guest bedroom faces the east, you may need dark curtains to block out the rising sun.
Extra Blanket
The guest room may get hot or cold overnight, so make the guest bed with several light layers of bedding.
Ensure that there is an extra blanket in case your guests need it and make sure they are told where it is located.
Bathroom Supplies
Make your guest's bathroom supplies easily accessible - perhaps laid out on the guest room dresser or bathroom countertop.
They will need soap, shampoo, conditioner, towels, lotion, etc.
You may wish to collect small toiletries from hotels that you stay to have a large selection of items available for guests.
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