Beige, Beige, and More Beige

When I walk into a home for the first time, I can almost guarantee that the majority of walls and several furniture pieces will be beige. 

Beige is boring, predictable, and unimaginative. 

You know it, and I know it. 

But, the color beige still prevails as the most common color inside homes. 

I blame the overuse of the color beige on production home builders who try to use the least offensive color available in their homes in hopes of appealing to the majority of buyers. 

Beige does not offend, however it also doesn't make anyone happy. 

Many people select beige furniture since they feel it will stay in style longer. 

Well, you will probably have the same boring feeling about beige furniture today as 10 years from now, but you will never love it.

Ban the beige in your homeInterior design by Fletcher Design Consultants

Don't Fake It

Probably the most important lesson I learned from my interior design internship while still in school is to use authentic materials and not materials that are trying to mimic other more expensive materials. 

Basically - don't fake it. 

If you want granite, then use real granite instead of a man made product pretending to be granite. 

If you want wood, then use real wood instead of laminate or other lesser products trying to pass themselves off as wood. 

Feel free to use lesser price materials that are authentic to themselves, but trying to pass something off as another material is just as bad as owning a knock-off handbag. 

Don't use fake materials when decorating your homephoto courtesy of thadz

Predictable Home Decorating

It is sad to say, but I am often bored going into different homes. 

Homes tend to all look the same. 

Part of the problem is that they were usually built by production builders who filled them with basic, boring, neutral colored finishes. 

Even though the architecture was originally boring, that does not explain why the contents of the home are also boring and very predictable. 

Let me guess, your walls are still builder beige, your bathroom and kitchen cabinets have no cabinet hardware, you have a beige fabric or brown leather sofa, your dining chairs have white upholstery fabric, you have minimal artwork, white faux wood blinds, and no curtains? 

So, how do we fix this problem and create excitement?

Don't be predictable with your home decoratingphoto courtesy of Emily May

End of April - What's Blooming?

As I said in my last post, I believe that interior design should encompass the entire home environment - both inside and out. 

Your home should be enjoyed as soon as you pull into the driveway, not as soon as you open the front door. 

Since I enjoy the plants and flowers in my garden (please don't judge me by my large collection of weeds), I have decided to document what is blooming at my house today. 

My neighbors had a fabulous display of bluebonnets that have sadly recently gone to seed, so I must find joy elsewhere. 

Here are a few things that are blooming at my house (gardening zone 9a). 


Spring Home Maintenance

I believe that interior design does not have to only focus on the interior of a home, but the home as a whole - including the outside. 

Now that Spring is here, we should take advantage of the short period of time we have with beautiful weather and minimal mosquitoes to work on the outside of our homes. 

Here are a few things that I have been up to, and other items on my to do list.

Spring Home Maintenance


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