A New Decorating Trend - Outside Christmas Lights

Many people believe that Christmas is only on December 25th, however Christmas really lasts for 12 days (just like the song) starting on December 25th and ending the day before Epiphany. 

That means that Christmas isn't over yet because today is the last day of Christmas. 

Unless your dried out Christmas tree is a fire hazard, try to keep all of your Christmas decorations up through today and keep your Christmas lights still lit. 

Before you take down your decorations tomorrow, you should consider a new Christmas decorating trend that might make you think twice about removing all of your decorations.

cioyphoto courtesy of Steve Jurvetson flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/3133331197/

Your Christmas Gifts are Part of Your Christmas Tree Decorations

I know several people who spend hundreds of dollars decorating their Christmas tree each year, yet they don't consider their Christmas gift wrapping. 

Believe it or not, your Christmas gift wrapping should always be thoughtfully considered when decorating your Christmas tree since it is part of the overall decor. 

Here are a few ideas for wrapping your gifts to coordinate with your Christmas tree.

Christmas Gift Wrap Ideas - Red, Black, Gold

Do You Really Need Both a Formal Dining Room and a Breakfast Room?

How often do you use your formal dining room - Thanksgiving, Christmas, or maybe once a month? 

Instead of having both a breakfast room and a dining room, why not have one eating area and use the other room for a different purpose? 

Consider having all of your meals in your dining room and converting the breakfast room into a home office, arts and crafts room, homework room, reading room, pet room, mud room, exercise room, or whatever other room you would love to have in your home. 

You can even remodel your small kitchen and expand it into your breakfast room or dining room to get a design magazine worthy kitchen of your dreams. 

breakfast and dining not necessary

My Online Shopping Experience

I have been doing online shopping for clients more than ever this year! 

Unlike most women, I actually hate shopping in stores. 

Being able to compare the price, size, and reviews of items on different websites before purchasing is very helpful. 

Certain items, like sofas, are best purchased after actually being able to test their comfort in person. 

My most recent client lives quite a distance away, so being able to have things shipped directly to her house is a great benefit. 

Here is my opinion of how my online shopping experience has gone so far. 


Homes Evoke Feelings

How do you want your home to feel? 

That's right - I did not ask you how you want your home to look, but how you want it to feel. 

Do you want it to be cozy, distinguished, laid back, welcoming, cheerful, casual, impressive, fun, airy, futuristic, or is there another feeling you prefer?

How do you want your home to feel?photo courtesy of Bill Wilson flickr.com/photos/okchomeseller/13951885986/


Is your home generic and boring? 

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