How to Use Essential Oils in Your Home

I have heard about essential oils for years from my friends, however I have never used them until earlier this month when I bought my first oils. 

There is so much information about oils that I was overwhelmed as to what brand to purchase. 

I read many reviews online and looked at prices of different brands. 

After I decided on a brand to purchase, I then had to select the oils that I wanted to purchase. 

I was unsure of what I was going to want, so I purchased a set of 6 of the most popular oils. 


You can use essential oils to scent cleaning products or as insect repellent, however I use my oils as aromatherapy using a diffuser #ad to scent my home.


I prefer using an essential oil diffuser instead of burning candles because candles can be a fire hazard (especially if you have young kids), many candles contain hazardous chemicals that are released when burning, diffusers do not produce harmful smoke, essential oil diffusers allow me to change the scents easily, diffusers allow me to experiment mixing different scents together in different amounts to create a perfect blend, and essential oils have health benefits.

How to Use Essential Oils in Your Home

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Here is a list of some of the potential health benefits of essential oils.  Keep in mind that different oils can affect people in different ways.  Oils can be mixed to create unique blends, or you can purchase a pre-blended oil.


Eucalyptus can help relieve colds, congestion, and coughs. 

It also promotes optimism and can help relieve migraines.


Lavender can help relieve headaches and help with flu symptoms. 

It can help relieve stress and help you sleep.  Lavender is often used to treat depression.


Lemon is often used for cleaning products, however it be used in a diffuser to help with concentration and to help lessen fatigue. 

It can create an uplifting mood and make your home smell fresh.


Lemongrass can be calming and is suggested for jet lag. 

It can relieve nervousness and make your home smell refreshing.


Orange can create a mood of happiness and optimism. 

It has been known to enhance creativity.


Peppermint can help relieve headaches and congestion. 

It can also help with concentration.  (Currently my favorite)


Tea Tree is used in many physical applications, however it can be diffused to help relieve tension and stress. 

It is an immune booster.


I do not endorse any particular brand of essential oils, however I have been very happy with my starter set of Plant Therapy #ad essential oils. 

Several of my friends who have been using essential oils for many years also use this brand because they like the quality.


Tips and Tricks for How to Use Essential Oils in Your Home


























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