If you are wanting to decorate your Christmas tree a little differently this year, consider decorating an upside down Christmas tree.
Upside down Christmas trees are space saving since the largest part of the tree is high in the air.
They are also a great solution for families with little kids who like to touch things, since the majority of the ornaments will be high out of reach.
Upside down Christmas trees showcase Christmas ornaments better since hanging ornaments do not sit on branches but are displayed in open space.
Upside down Christmas trees also allow for much more floor space for Christmas gifts.
They are definitely unusual, so your tree will be eye catching.
Surprising to most, upside down Christmas trees have been around for hundreds of years.
Here are a few tips for decorating an upside down Christmas tree.
photo courtesy of Laika ac flickr.com/photos/laika_ac/15304438993/
The Tree
Upside down artificial Christmas trees are becoming increasingly popular, so more and more retailers (such as Amazon.com #ad) are now selling them.
Most have a very sturdy base that sits on the floor like a traditional Christmas tree, but some are hung from the ceiling.
Any fresh Christmas tree (or artificial Christmas tree not designed to hang upside down) that is mounted from the ceiling should be properly engineered so that the hanging system can support the weight of the tree and the ornaments that hang on the tree.
The Lights
Many upside down Christmas trees come pre-lit, however some do not.
Add Christmas lights as you normally would to an upside down Christmas tree.
Refer to the article How to Put Lights on a Christmas Tree for more detailed instructions.
Consider the location of your electrical outlet when placing the Christmas tree in your home to minimize the visibility of the electrical cords.
The Decorations
Your traditional Christmas decorations, such as your garlands, should be applied the same as a regular Christmas tree.
The Ornaments
When a Christmas tree is upside down, the ornaments dangle in free space instead of resting on a branch.
Because of this, you must be extra careful to secure the Christmas ornaments very well to your Christmas tree.
The Tree Topper
In an upside down Christmas tree, the top of the tree is the widest part.
A traditional star or angel will not work on an upside down Christmas tree.
Some people like to put a traditional bow at the bottom of the tree (the narrowest part) but others like to put the bow at the top of the tree (the widest part).
You can cover the top of your tree with fabric, let the top touch your ceiling so it does not need a topper, use that spot as a platform for your Christmas gifts, or display your nativity scene there.
The Tree Skirt
You can use a traditional Christmas tree skirt for your upside down Christmas tree, go without a skirt (especially if it is ceiling hung), or use a much smaller Christmas tree skirt.