Room Styling Tips for Your Home

If you would like the rooms in your home to be design magazine worthy, you should consider how they are styled.

Just as your clothing style has probably changed from 10 years ago, you should consider whether your home decorating style has also changed and whether your rooms need to be restyled.

Here are some tips and ideas for room styling to get a design magazine quality room.


Room Styling Tips and Tricks for Your Homephoto courtesy of Brent Eckley
Clutter is the most common culprit in making a beautiful room unpleasant and not styled.

As most everyone has heard before "a place for everything and everything in its place".

Find a place for mail, newspaper, backpacks, purses, and all other items that tend to collect on surfaces.

Technology is also a common source of clutter.

Technology clutter includes remote controls, cell phones, computers, data cords, and any item that has an electrical cord.

Consider using a docking station or a decorative box to keep small electronic devices.

Try to conceal all cords in plain sight and tidy cords hiding under desks or other less visible areas.


Organized and Tidy
A well styled room is organized and tidy.

The bed is made to perfection.

If everyday items (such as shampoo in the bathroom or sugar in the kitchen) are visible, they are showcased in a beautiful decorative container.

Non-decorative items are hidden out of sight.

Books are straightened on the bookshelf and decorative items are free of dust.

There are no items attached to the front of the refrigerator.

The toilet lid is down and the trash cans are emptied.

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Make it Special
What makes your home special and different from your neighbors' homes?

Your rooms should have at least one focal point that draws attention first when entering that room.

Perhaps the focal point is a large piece of art, a beautiful light fixture, or a bold colored piece of furniture.

A room should not be styled to bore someone to sleep.

Consider using unique vintage items to create an interesting room.

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Give it Life
A room should look like someone lives there, not a sterile furniture store.

Consider using live plants, flowers, or fresh fruit to brighten a room.

Light the fire in your fireplace or light a few candles to give a feeling of warmth.

Open window coverings to let natural light in as well as have a view of living plants and animals.


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Add Contrast
In order to show off a smooth surface in a room and make it feel less sterile, style that room using a textured item as contrast.

To make your whites seem more white, add items that contrast, such as a splash of black or another dark color.

An all beige or mid toned room can seem flat and boring.

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Don't Over Style
A room should not look like a museum.

You should not keep your dining table set with dishes (unless you are about to use it) because the dishes will collect dust and need to be washed again.

Don't use fake fruit or other fake items because they collect dust and look like children's toys.
