Instead of purchasing predictable home accessories from a store, why not find unique home accessories in nature?
Natural home decor is beautiful, unique, and often free.
It never goes out of style.
Here are a few ideas for natural home accessories courtesy of Mother Nature.
photo courtesy of donscottandms
Plants and Flowers
Plants and flowers are obvious choices for decorating your home.
Instead of purchasing flowers, consider clipping some flowering branches from your garden or picking a few wild flowers.
You can also subdivide your outside plants and bring a portion inside.
Some plants are better suited to be houseplants than others, so make sure to use plants needing minimal light for the best results.
Pine Cones
Pine cones are very prevalent in nature in certain parts of the country.
Why not collect a few and display them in your home?
You can even spray paint them a metallic color for extra attention.
Sea Shells
Kids and adults love to collect sea shells when they are at the beach.
Why not decorate your home with them?
Make sure to display your sea shells nicely so they don't look like clutter.
Rocks and Minerals
Some rocks are just plain, but other rocks, minerals, and pebbles can be quite brilliant and beautiful.
Clean the rocks or use a rock tumbler and display them in a clear glass vessel or on their own if they are large enough.
They would make great book ends or a paper weight.
Twigs, Branches, Logs, Driftwood, Petrified Wood
Wood from trees can be sculptural and interesting.
If you find an interesting twig, branch, log, driftwood, or petrified wood, consider decorating your home with it.
Bone or Antlers
If you run across any bone or antlers, you can put them on display in your home.
If you are feeling creative, consider making an antler chandelier or carving the bone into something decorative.
Turtle Shell
Once a turtle has died, its beautiful shell remains.
Whether the turtle was your pet or you found it outside, consider preserving the turtle shell to be used as decor inside your home.
You can collect nuts from your trees and display them in a decorative bowl.
The bowl of nuts is both decorative and can also be eaten (don't forget to put a nutcracker near your bowl and an empty bowl to put the shells).